Whispers of Wonder & Loving Layers

Sharing a peek (short 1 minute videos) into the many layers of these canvases that I started painting on December 26th and every day since.  Loosening up & trusting the little whispers of wonder… the “what if’s” and remembering to smile. 🙂

Layers of Painting 1: Jewels of Wonder (Painting on this canvas every day from December 26 – January 11… sometimes for a long while and sometimes only a few minutes squeezed into the day so the next bit could be drying)


The script at the bottom left reads:

“May I remember the time
before castles & crowns were defined
when birds were the best of friends
& I held jewels of wonder in my hands.”

Layers of Painting 2: Sing with Delight (every day December 26 – January 11)
Original SOLD to lovely home! 🙂

The above painting also inspired this smaller one below (which is now available as a print on redbubble here – the text “shall we sing” was added digitally so something else could be added instead by request.  The web address and watermark do not appear on the print). Original SOLD to lovely home! 🙂


While painting on the bigger canvases, I also worked on smaller ones to play and let go and experiment.  I especially love this one that only took about 5 minutes and a single layer! This one has also been added to redbubble as a print here.


When the first 2 big canvases seemed to say, “let me be” or leave me “untamed”, I started the next 2. Layers of Paintings 3 & 4 still in process (started Jan. 12th and every day since):


Learning so much!  To loosen up and let go of the need to have more ‘control’ with hand/brush/drawing.  To embrace the wonder and beauty (beyond the appearance) and mystery of creation (and the creative process).  To stop counting (the days, layers, time, ‘likes’, etc)!  To let the canvas decide how many layers and listen when it says, “enough!”(regardless of whether I planned to paint for so many days on a single canvas such as 30 day challenge).  To take higher quality pictures in the process in case I prefer to have prints made from an earlier layer before I pushed it further into the experimentation. That sometimes 5 minutes is enough and sometimes, there are many, many stories to be layered into a single painting.  To let go of the concern about what others might think or like and trust the voice within to paint more freely because that makes me happier.  That “anything goes” and no marks, shapes, colors or themes are off limits nor belong to others.  That both chaos/clutter and calm have their beautiful aspects… having a very full life (for which, I am grateful) will likely be reflected in my art, yet the moments I remember to pause and breathe deep will show up, too.  That the walks in nature, shapes and patterns in our home, interesting books and ideas, and travel movies about various cultures like to make their way into the paintings.  That I have more ideas and inspiration than I have the time or talent to bring forth… plenty to keep learning and rarely get bored!  To follow my bliss.  That painting in an unfinished basement means I don’t have to worry about paint drips and splatters. 🙂  That I’m grateful for the painting e-courses I’ve been blessed to take and I see aspects from several being integrated into my paintings and life.  That practice definitely makes a big difference in the way I’m able to portray the visions!  I can see the difference in just a few minutes spent practicing a bird drawing from a children’s “how to draw” book.


That painting is a wonderful way for me personally to meditate, ponder, and digest life as well as invite the divine to speak to me and through me while still letting my head and heart take part in the conversation as it evolves.  That sharing so many layers takes courage as it invites intimacy (in-to-me-see). That I probably spend way too much time preparing my blog posts! 😉  That sharing this is what I have to give at this moment in time for whatever it’s worth.

<3 May we all find our own ‘jewels of wonder’ and ways to
celebrate this life with grace, generosity, reverence, and delight. <3

*** Thank YOU for the gift of your time and allowing me to share. ***

PS – I want to give special thanks to two of my favorite artists, guides, and women that have really inspired me to loosen up, paint more freely and playfully, and create from a place of joy: Alena Hennessy and Tracy Verdugo. <3  If you check out the list of courses I’ve been blessed to take, you’ll notice that they are the ones I’ve spent the most time with. 🙂 These big canvases are largely influenced by Tracy’s canvas immersion lessons from Paint Mojo (in addition to the earlier Bloom True course I took with Flora Bowley). Alena’s Year of Healing and Year of Painting 2 have also influenced the approach and have nurtured a real opening of head, hands, and heart. <3

I learned of the 30 day challenge I mentioned above from Tracy Verdugo and it was started by Judy Wise.  Here is Tracy’s blog post about her experience with the challenge.

4 Responses

  1. Cherry Harris

    Thank YOU for the gift of you blog ,it’s Devine , like your artwork . My name is Cherry Harris , I contributed to Warrior Soul with a poem …that’s where I got your name from .lovely to be aquainted with you .

    • lovingrd

      Hi Cherry! Delighted to be a fellow contributor to the Warrior Soul book with you. 🙂 Lovely to “meet” you as well. Blessings, Julia

  2. Suzanne McRae

    I’m thrilled that you connected with me on Instagram. I love your writing and artwork. Love the videos you created of your paintings and the layers. Incredibly inspiring.

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