Mother Mystery

Magic… that’s what the creative process often feels like to me! This painting has taken me on such a journey into the mystic, which was a favorite song to dance to with my mom. Serendipity finds me again as this … Continued


This “Wanderlost” mixed media painting is another collaboration with artist Judith Schaller from Germany. The painting Judith sent reminded me of an exotic city. The image below is what it looked like when Judith sent it to me before I started … Continued

Weaving Inspiration & Instinct

Do you have ways that you explore within and then express what you discover? I’ve been weaving together inspiration & instinct through collage, collaboration, and art to create this mixed media painting called “Flowering Weaver.” I hadn’t intended it to coincide … Continued

Playful Art Journaling & Self Discovery Invitation

Oh, it feels good to play! ♡♡♡ I prefer the idea that “Play makes Possible” as a twist on the old “practice makes perfect.” Approaching art (and life!) from a place of play has really helped me to open up, … Continued

Tis the Season! December Solstice E-Zine Gift Now Available

☆ Happy Holy Days ☆  It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Adlai Stevenson The December Solstice offering of the Thrive True e-zine is now available! This is the biggest one yet so please be … Continued

The Wind of Change

Take me to the Magic of the Moment… on the Wind of Change. This has been the theme song for this new painting! She has taken me on quite a journey and has so much to say. She also insisted … Continued

Harvesting Enough ♡ Harvest Moon Prayers

***** If you’re the type that prefers to skim the headlines, I’ve put a few bold lines for you as highlights, including the prayers that go along with the paintings. If you ‘re more like me and you like the details, … Continued