Hello dear bright beautiful being! Welcome to my virtual hearth and home. I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Julia, aka Jules. I might appear to be a mundane middle-age mom, yet I’m painting the story of a marvelous, magical lover of life. I gladly share beauty and blessings with kindred spirits via art, writing, fun courses, and gatherings. I wonder what our world would look like if we were all able to value ourselves, others, nature, and life more fully and freely. That’s what I call valuability, a subtle shift from responsibility.

I love to see Sacred Souls like you Sparkle from the inside out! I offer support and encouragement for people tuning in to your own wisdom and wonder, opening up to healthy wholeness and wellness, rejuvenation, joy and presence. I invite you to explore, express, and play with me, to revise our language and stories together, to heal, create, celebrate, appreciate, and embody the divine.

If you’ve come here looking for the new Born to Bloom Bright book, you can find it at ThriveTrue.com/BloomBook.

You’re invited to be part of a sacred circle of kindness leaning in to the sweet… leaning in to life, making magic, and dancing with delight! I always want there to be plenty in it for YOU! I offer occasional digital card picks, coupons, previews, and presents at ThriveTrue.com/MagicMail.

My biggest cheerleader, my mom, died in 2010, when I was 34. Since then, I’ve learned how healing the creative process can be. I’ve also learned how important it is to love ourselves and to surround ourselves with other encouraging, uplifting voices. I gladly cheer women on in multiple ways, such as:

Heart of Life & Soul Songs inspirational art card decks ~ I created the decks when I had a health scare and wanted a way for my children to be able to hold some of my energy and motherly love in their hands. Thankfully, the health issues went away, yet the medicine and magic that flowed through me in the original art and prayers for the cards continues to offer support to those who work with them.

The Girl Who Dances With Delight book ~ I wrote this book after exploring many spiritual ideas and activities while wading through a river of grief, healing for my physical body, and learning to liberate and love myself and life more fully. I share transformational tools that have helped me shift from self doubt and denial to confidence, courage, and contentment. I went through the book when writing with the specific intention to cheer the reader on. I invite you to dance with me and the delight within you.

Creative Courses and Gatherings ~ I continue creating these as my twist on more traditional revivals, where we focus on curiosity, creativity, and celebration! I like to play with words and reconsider the power that our language and stories have. For example, the word revival means an improvement in the condition or strength of something. Some synonyms include regeneration, invigoration, awakening, rejuvenation. I also like revising the word survival to be thrivival, as in thriving rather than struggling or striving to survive. Most of the courses I offer combine exploration, expression, and enjoyment to holistically tend to mind, body, and spirit.

Thank you for spending a bit of your sacred time with me.

Wild Wonderful Well Wishes to You,


PS ~

Presentations & Public Relations ~ I love sharing and having interesting conversations about the art of joyful and creative living. If you host a podcast or blog and would like to talk to me or feature one of my posts as a guest blog contribution, I’d love to connect!

Co-operations ~ The way I think of corporations collaborating. I’m glad to work with awesome retail and licensing partners to enable my art and energy to be enjoyed by more people economically while providing a healthy income for us as well. Let’s connect!