Curious Creatives – Guest Sarah Leonard


A warm welcome to my very first guest blogger, Sarah Leonard, from England!  Sarah started a blog series called Curious Creatives.  We interviewed each other and are featuring one another as guests today on our blogs.  Learn more about Sarah below and read my guest post on her blog here: 🙂



1. Tell us a little something about your creativity. What do you enjoy creating the most?

I love creating just about anything at all! I aim to create something each and every day – whether that’s a cute illustration, some mixed media art or even a cute digital piece for my blog or website! I also enjoy sharing the details of my creative life and lots of tips and tricks for others to live more creatively via EBooks, courses and my community site, The CGS.


2. What made you decide to start creating?

I started to be creative after one of the darkest periods in my life. I was suffering from acute depression, and didn’t really realise what was happening to me for the longest time. I was literally at my lowest possible ebb.

Then I read the book The Secret. It really opened up my eyes to a new way of thinking. I had always been cautious, tried not to “get my hopes up” in case things went wrong. I had been what I thought was practical and sensible. However, after reading that book I realised I had started to err on the side of pessimistic instead.

I had always been interested in writing and art. I had always had a longing to achieve something more with those skills than I had. The way of thinking set out in that book gave me the correct mindset to actually start being creative instead of just dreaming about it.

I began a blog to talk about my experiences with the secret (initially) and that lead to so much more! DIY posts, Etsy stores and all manner of creativity came flooding in as I discovered more and more about myself and my creative passions.


3. Where do you get your inspiration from for your creative endeavours?

I get inspiration from so many sources. Kelly Rae Roberts is a huge influence on my art, whilst I love A Beautiful Mess for DIY posts and how to’s.


4. What do you do if you feel creatively blocked? How do you get past that?

I have to say, I really don’t tend to have this problem! I always have a million and one different ideas and creative projects on the go. I just need more hours in the day!

I do occasionally get into a little funk, and that can cause me to stagnate a little. I often use some meditations to help move me on, or simply go outside and walk barefoot in the grass.

5. Do you have any advice on silencing your inner critic?

My inner critic used to have a field day with me. See the picture below for some if it’s “wisdom”! I simply acknowledge my inner fears these days and move forwards anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? No one will buy my work (no one will die), no one will like it (again no one will die) or it will go totally wrong and end up in the bin (still no deaths to report!)

I try not to take myself and my creativity too seriously. I like to enjoy the process and not be too caught up in the end product of everything.

6. What would be your top tips for living a more creatively fulfilled life?

I would recommend just trying new things. There will be lots of local and online classes and courses you can take advantage of, lots of sources of inspiration you can tap into if you need the extra help to get you started.

Give it a go. Try new techniques, get your hands dirty and just dive right in! You don’t need any official training – you just need to follow your heart and do what moves you.


7. Pick one of your creative projects to feature here – it could be your favourite, your newest or a popular piece. What do you think is so special about that item? Tell us more!

One of my favourite recent works is my Angel Series of mixed media canvas originals.


I completed them after finishing the Kelly Rae Roberts ECourse Hello Soul, Hello Mantras, and I feel they are the beginnings of my own personal style emerging.

I also love the subject matter – I have always been fascinated by angels and their wings in particular are so beautiful!

You can find them over in my Curious Mixed Media Section in my Etsy store.

Thank you, Sarah, for being a guest on Loving Rd! 🙂

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