Art of Gratitude * Featured Artist Interview * Julissie Saltzberg

So thrilled to be Celebrating Life & the Art of Gratitude with 8 other lovely artists.

I’ll be featuring an interview and info about each artist’s creative projects leading up to the start of the e-course on October 4th.  Julissie Saltzberg is today’s featured artist and has the joy of offering the content and projects for the third week of the course.

11796442_10206482924764199_8290411724291299180_nCollage above created by fellow contributing artist, Julissie Saltzberg

Fellow contributing artist, Lara Cornell, set up the following interview questions and these are Julissie’s replies.

Lara: What are you most grateful for?

Julissie: I am grateful to be typing this entry today. In 2007, an unfortunate circumstance lead to me needing emergency brain surgery after having an aneurism. I was babysitting and my brother stopped by. He was meant to be there that day, and I’m grateful. I’m grateful for my children & granddaughter, for great friends, for good health, laughter, Art and being a working Artist.

Lara: How do you prefer to show your gratitude?  (Eg: do you have any traditions?)

Julissie: I enjoy volunteering. I love spending time in a nursing home where my grandmother resides and sharing my love of art with the residents there.

I also volunteer my time in my community and organize a monthly Art Walk. I love seeing the streets a buzz and know that it has to do with Art!

volunteer      artwalk   

Lara: What are your favorite fall season traditions?

Julissie: I love going to the pumpkin patch every year. I love the the hay rides, hay bale maze, picking our pumpkins, cider donuts, planting mums, carving our pumpkins, sunflowers, & pumpkin pie. It’s my favorite time of year!

“Pumpkin Patch” by xo Julissie

Lara: Do you have any favorite fall season art/crafts/etc…

Julissie: I love painting fall themes. The color palette of the Fall months are my favorite!

pines      bridge

“Twin Pines” by xo Julissie                                    “Covered Bridge” by xo Julissie

Lara: Why did you decide to be part of this group of artists for this project?

Julissie: I’m excited & honored to be included within a group of super creative and supportive women. It’s my first collaborative project and I loved the diversity of the artists in this group.


Week 3 * Vision Book with Julissie Saltzberg Oct. 18-24th

Spend the week with Julissie exploring what your heart wants and letting the universe know about it.

Create a powerful tool that will help define your hopes, dreams, & goals.

Visualize what you want, clearly define your purpose and use words, images, and visual illustrations to build your book.

It’s time to start visualizing what your heart wants.

You deserve only great things, Dream big! xo Julissie


I’ve been following Julissie’s work on instagram for a while now and adore her whimsical women.  It’s been great to get to know her while collaborating on this project.  I was delighted to learn that she is a facilitator for “The Artist’s Way” workshops, based on the book by Julia Cameron that helped me make the leap to devote more energy to art and the creative process years ago.  I’m really looking forward to creating a vision book along with Julissie and the participants of the course! 🙂

Every one is invited and welcome to join us to creatively celebrate life through the art of gratitude!  No prior art experience is necessary.  The course content will be available for a full 6 months so plenty of time to play and explore all the great projects!  Want to experience the fun and magic of creativity and the joy that an attitude of gratitude nurtures in your life?!  Know someone that would appreciate the gift of gratitude and creativity?  We’d be so very grateful to have you and your friends join us here. <3 

* More about Julissie Saltzberg *


Award-Winning Artist, Julissie Saltzberg, resides in Campbell Hall, N.Y.   Her body of work is diverse. She loves working with Acrylics and Mixed Media.  Whether she is painting a landscape or doing one of her whimsical pieces, one thing is common, the use of vibrant colors.  She currently is a member of the Wallkill River School of Art where she is a Represented Artist, a member of the Orange County Arts Council and president of the Goshen Art League.

Julissie is certified through Grumbacher  to teach beginner and intermediate Fine Arts and Drawing classes to Adults and Children.  She enjoys teaching workshops to the residents of Elant and Middletown Park Rehabilitation Center.  Middletown Park  selected her to do six murals in the Alzheimers & Dementia Care unit.

Julissie is leading several projects, some of which include, “HeArt Traveling Journal”,  “Creative Healing” &  organizing the “Goshen Art Walk”.  The Traveling Art Journal has been circulating over a year and connecting women around the globe.  “Creative Healing” is a cluster of women from around the world. Julissie is a facilitator for “The Artist’s Way” workshop.  She ran a workshop last year and recently launched a second one.

She is reaching women and helping them awaken their creative side.  Julissie is enthusiastic about sharing her love of art with adults and children.

Visit Julissie: Website * Instagram * Facebook * Email:

   Sign-Up for a special limited early bird space now

2 Responses

  1. alabamarita

    Hello! Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork! But even more so sharing your beautiful spirit. I had been diagnosed with severe tremors and not even 50 years old. Long story and I won’t bore you with the details however I am now off almost all of the medicine and hope to be off all of it very soon. I always felt that I could paint and draw however 4 years because of the tremor I was unable to hold a pencil stable. Some simple kind words from someone I met in Alabama after I moved here and I’ve only been here since March kind of changed my brain thinking and I painted my first picture the other day. It was an art class only meant to be a couple hours long I started it there and couldn’t quite get the feel for it but woke up in the middle of the night the very first day after I had come home from the art class and didn’t stop painting until it was completed or I felt it was completed. I was able to hold the brush and be comfortable with what I was doing! I’ve had many things happened throughout my life that I should be very grateful for every single day and I am and I will be watching closely and following you in fact I created this page just so I could follow you lol. Thank you for an inspiration. Sincerely Rita

    • lovingrd

      So glad that you have found the healing magic in the creative process, Rita! May you continue to heal and be blessed each day. <3

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