Abstract Exploration & Invitation

You’re invited to celebrate curiosity and creativity with me this month. I’ve been wanting to lean in to more abstract art for a while. The past few weeks something finally seemed to shift as I approached the canvas with no expectations or … Continued

Women Gathering & Growing

There is a special kind of magic and medicine in the gathering of women who choose to support one another and grow together. I’m grateful for these experiences and learning how to host them from an amazing artist, Alena Hennessy, … Continued

Home Sweet Home

I so hope that you are fortunate to have a home that you feel this way about at some point in your life. I realize that there are sometimes seasons in life that we live more adrift and are less … Continued

Wonder-full Weekends in the Blue Ridge Mountains

I’m dreaming of wonder full creative weekends here in Blue Ridge, GA, which has been recognized again as one of America’s Top 10 Craft Towns by American Craft Week’s National search (for a few years in a row now). I’m glad to call Blue … Continued

Communion & Creativity

The word/idea “communion” keeps coming up for me recently. I think that is a big part of why/how/where I create from… a root. Though I didn’t necessarily realize it or intend it years ago, I can see that is a … Continued

Playful Art Journaling & Self Discovery Invitation

Oh, it feels good to play! ♡♡♡ I prefer the idea that “Play makes Possible” as a twist on the old “practice makes perfect.” Approaching art (and life!) from a place of play has really helped me to open up, … Continued