Thanksgiving Give-Away Recipients! :)

etsy140thanxangelThanksgiving give-away recipients announced below. 🙂 Thank YOU so much for helping me to create something in my mom’s memory and in reverence to life!  I cannot afford advertising so all of the people that “like” the Loving Road facebook page and follow this Loving Rd blog are thanks to all of YOU that like and share the posts.  <3  And, Wow!  It’s not easy to find all of the Loving Road facebook page fans (“likes”) and blog followers!  I spent a few hours trying to find as many as possible for this Thanksgiving give-away.  I managed to find 116 of the 159 facebook “likes” and 18 blog followers (due to privacy settings).  I had each of my boys select a name (via number) at random for the give-away. 🙂  It has been a joy to see how many people have been touched in some way since starting the Loving Rd page/blog/effort in memory of my Mom.  Thank each of you so much for choosing to spend time with me through Loving Rd and art! <3  My heart is grateful!  The happy mail winners for this month’s Grateful Angel postcards are:  Belle Reynolds and Merry Shepherd *Congratulations!*

You can enter the December give-away by sharing the pinned Loving Road facebook page post for the Heartlight Holiday Angels.  I’m so glad I’ve decided to do a monthly give-away.  I love giving!  As my mom, Paulette, said, “Give to others and respect their feelings.  You will be loved and respected in return.”  I wish I could afford to give away more and I am glad to be able to give what I can.  While it would be wonderful to actually make a profit someday from doing what I love (writing and making art), I am thrilled to be able to share freely via the internet.  My husband recently asked if an etsy sale meant he was going to have to deal with this hobby on our tax return.  At the moment, the few sales come nowhere near covering expenses for art supplies, printing, etc and I choose to do these give-aways at my family’s expense.  For as long as I’m able to afford this hobby and the give-aways, I’m glad to do so.  I am extremely grateful for the time and supplies I have and my husband’s income that covers most of the supplies and postage cost for give-aways!  As mentioned above, I do not pay for any advertising so all of the people that “like” the Loving Road facebook page and follow this Loving Rd blog are thanks to all of YOU that like and share the posts and links.  Thank YOU again for helping me to create something in my mom’s memory and in reverence to life, love, and all the many wonders of this world! <3

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