Golden Dreams Video Studio Story

The painting is called “Sogni D’oro” (Italian for Golden Dreams). I’m so grateful to have met artists from around the world through online groups and courses. I have Nathalie from Italy to thank for teaching me “sogni d’oro” one night after we were video chatting when I asked her how to say “sweet dreams” in Italian. What are your favorite songs about birds or flying or dreams? This one has quite a playlist now! You can listen to the music in the playlist at the end of this post and enjoy a free video studio story about the happy accidents, the echoes from earlier layers, and encouraging messages from this painting in the video below.

“My love is deeper than the holler, stronger than the rivers… And longer than the song of the whippoorwill” ~ Randy Travis (songwriters: Paul Overstreet / Don Schlitz)

What if we give ourselves that kind of love? What if the divine dreamweaver loves me (and you!) like that? These messages came through after I gave myself permission to finally add a bird to the next painting! I thought I was adding a whippoorwill (for many reasons including that they often sing me to sleep on summer nights). Apparently, the page had turned to a nighthawk, but they are similar enough for me… especially the silhouette shape.

I’ve learned it is important to give ourselves the freedom to be as different as we want to be and also to be as similar as we are or want to be… both in art and life! I talked about that in my book as letting ourselves be weirdos… or not or a marvelous combination! There was a time when I tried to avoid adding similar marks to other artists (especially birds)… until I realized how seriously limiting that was! We speak similar languages and that is okay and necessary to communicate and harmonize. So, give yourself the permission and the freedom to be whoever you are or want to be and love yourself stronger than the river. Sing along?

Original & Art Prints Now Available

Nourishment was last week’s word prompt in the free creative group I host. You can join us anytime! One thing that NOURISHES me is singing to myself… or serenading myself with love songs. I am often singing while also slinging paint… “I hear a bird chirping up in the sky. I’d like to be free like that, spread my wings so high…” ~ Heather Masse

Here’s the fun Bird Songs playlist that goes along with the painting. If you click on the 1/8 in the upper right corner, it will show all 8 songs in a drop down list to choose from. I encourage you to sing, dance, or paint along!

Thank you for letting me share this with you.

Sogni D’oro,


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I’ve added the painting shared above along with many other new ones to the Redbubble shop for lots of fun printing possibilities. Unfortunately, if you order something from there rather than my personal gift shop, I won’t get the customer information. Please send me a note to let me know so that I can thank you personally!

Julia Ostara © 2020

~ Creator of the Heart of Life & Soul Songs Inspiration Card Decks
~ Artist, Presenter, and Hostess of Fun Creative Courses

If you host a podcast or blog and would like to talk to me or feature one of my posts as a guest blog contribution, I’d love to connect! Please contact me to discuss how we might collaborate effectively.

I greatly appreciate any shares to let this have ripple effects. You never know how it might inspire or encourage others! Thank You!

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