Dancing in the Garden

* Note: This blog post was written before moving from the Loving Rd domain/website to Thrive True for technical reasons and before adopting the pen name Julia Ostara (which is just 2 letters different than my married name and sounds … Continued

Trust the Sparkle Within

Sweet Surrender… for me means trusting my own voice, hands, head, and heart, the sparkle within.  As I turned 40 last week, it also means trusting the ‘saging’ process… that I am enough, able, beautiful and worthy.  I really enjoyed letting … Continued

May Blessings Bloom

May Blessings Bloom! <3 My primary words/sentiment for 2016 is “trust grace” which has become a prayer/blessing of sorts: trust grace, reverence, and delight. I always have a hard time choosing just 1 word for a year so the roses … Continued

Warrior Soul

Wow, wow, wow!  The universe really does work in mysterious ways and I’m so very grateful to have discovered this collaborative project and be a published contributing artist in this beautiful book, Warrior Soul! <3 I’ve just ordered a copy … Continued

Giving Love

Celebrating Connection and Generosity Today (and everyday 🙂 <3 ) * There are so many ways to give! Even if it may not be feasible to give financially sometimes, we can give with our smiles, our words, our creations, our … Continued