One of my favorite courses I’ve hosted is about exploring The Present, as in enjoying and celebrating the Gifts of Now.

The online retreat and course offerings I host are intended to nurture and nourish our spirits with creativity, inspiration, and good medicine (the soul food kind!). Each individual themed offering includes a variety of activities, such as guided visualizations, creative art projects, storytelling, inspirational materials, short writing or photography prompts, and other ideas to cultivate intuition, playfulness, confidence, wonder, generosity, grace, reverence, celebration and delight.

I’m offering The Present online course as my gift to you (available for a limited a time). Enjoy your creative gift now! 🙂



I’m touched by these kind words from a participant in one of my creative courses:

“I am just stopping by to tell you how much I am enjoying it. As you felt drawn to do this, I feel drawn to meet beautiful honest people like yourself. That is ‘IT’ in a word ‘Honesty ‘the sheer honesty of the course I love… I feel I am sitting there with you… I am truly grateful for this course ❤️❤️❤️ thank you” – Cherry

Do you know any friends or family that might also enjoy the course and exploring their own creative gifts? You can give them the Present by sharing this link: (or using the sharing buttons at the end of this post). All they need to do is sign up to get a special code and enjoy the course for free. Thank you for your generosity.

Let’s open our gifts! 🙂

Wonderful Wishes to You,


Julia Ostara

~ Creator of the Heart of Life & Soul Songs Inspiration Card Decks
~ Artist, Presenter, and Hostess of Fun Creative Courses

For Art Licensing inquiries, please contact me. I’m glad to work with awesome partners to enable my art and energy to be enjoyed by more people economically while providing a healthy income for us.

If you host a podcast or blog and would like to talk to me or feature one of my posts as a guest blog contribution, I’d love to connect! Please contact me to discuss how we might collaborate effectively.

© 2019 Julia Ostara

I greatly appreciate any shares using the buttons below to let this have ripple effects. You never know how it might inspire or encourage others!