Wanderlust to Open Eyes

Looking through travel magazines last night, I was getting a bad case of wanderlust! Thankfully, today, the lovely weather inspired me to open my eyes to the beauty right where I currently am.  I’ve been missing the ocean, especially the Pacific Northwest where we spent vacation last year, and the reef in the Keys from my youth.  This aquarian needed to get to the water’s edge!  So, instead of dreaming about the Oregon coast (or even the  Mediterranean!), we went to the mountain lake a few miles from our home (versus a cross country or transatlantic trip!).  May we all be inspired to open our eyes and hearts to the beauty here and now (where ever that is for you).

Here are a few pictures from this lovely day if you’d like to walk along with us.  Our little mountain lake may not be the Pacific Ocean (my son pointed out that it was missing the waves and variety of shells), nor the cerulean sea.  Yet, it has a beauty all its own when we remember to look, even in the winter and even with the orange/red shore.  We even found a few shells, driftwood, an island, lots of sparkling rocks, ice, and saw a few seagulls! 🙂  Thankful for nature’s beauty. <3  Also, one of today’s assignments for the bloom true art class was to find inspiring lines in our lives. 🙂  Nature sure provided plenty!


Boys investigating the interesting ice…

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Snapped the picture with my son above right after saying, “I love you.”  One of my better moments as a momma (as opposed to losing temper, etc!). 😉

Do you see the hearts?  Beautiful way to finish our walk. <3 🙂

And these little winter blooms greeted us in the front yard after returning home:


Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the area near our home in the Blue Ridge mountains.  May you find beauty surrounding you as well. <3

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