Let's Dance
Blessed to have some amazing fathers around us, my Dad, my brother, and my husband along with many cousins and friends… happy father’s day to all of you and thank you for all the love and support you give. This … Continued
Blessed to have some amazing fathers around us, my Dad, my brother, and my husband along with many cousins and friends… happy father’s day to all of you and thank you for all the love and support you give. This … Continued
I originally posted this on my prior personal blog (http://tendingthegardens.blogspot.com/) for my mom’s birthday on February 11, but thought it was worth reposting on this new blog for Memorial Day, in loving memory of my mom, Paulette. I hope that others are able … Continued
Pouring my heart into this… it counts as therapy in my book! 😉 This is my response (Take 1 and 2, actually!) to the documented life project (DLP, learn more here: Arttothe5th) week 18 challenge to include a quote in … Continued