Warrior Soul

Wow, wow, wow!  The universe really does work in mysterious ways and I’m so very grateful to have discovered this collaborative project and be a published contributing artist in this beautiful book, Warrior Soul! <3 I’ve just ordered a copy … Continued

Giving Love

Celebrating Connection and Generosity Today (and everyday 🙂 <3 ) * There are so many ways to give! Even if it may not be feasible to give financially sometimes, we can give with our smiles, our words, our creations, our … Continued

Ready to Bloom True!

It’s thanks to Flora Bowley’s book, “Brave, Intuitive Painting,” that I have put my brave girl boots on with my art!  Now, she is offering a scholarship to her Bloom True e-course to a few lucky souls selected from entries … Continued

Enjoy the Journey

“Enjoy the Journey” is the message that hangs from the rear view mirror of our car as a frequent reminder.  It’s fitting to me that it hangs there, a place that could symbolically represent looking back while still looking ahead.  … Continued