
Feeling grateful for the beautiful winter wonderland this past week.  It’s unusual to get this much snow here in the southernmost part of the Blue Ridge mountains, and I just wanted to share a bit of the beauty, joy, and reverence.  Reverence is one of my new favorite words. 🙂  (I’m actually going to go add it to a painting right now!)  May your head, heart, and soul find reason for reverence. <3

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May you be surrounded by beauty, and have the open eyes and heart to see it, as well. <3 Oh, and may you have fun and warmth, too. 😉 <3

0 Responses

  1. lovingrd

    It’s good to remind myself of that often, bluelesley. 😉 I can get wanderlust so bad sometimes… love exploring new places! Yet, I do love our home and area. <3 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to visit. 🙂

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