Echoes of a Fool Moon

I have another poem present for you. This poem was inspired by my book, The Girl Who Dances With Delight. It is the closing poem that I wrote to wrap it up. It’s called ‘Echoes of a Fool Moon.’ I had a slip of the tongue in my journal last week during the full moon when I wrote fool moon. It was especially interesting to me since April Fool’s Day was the following day. That inspired the title of the poem and it was written shortly after, hence the ‘echoes’ of a fool moon. I’ve not been a fan of April Fool’s Day in the past. I now have a fresh perspective on the idea of being a fool and can celebrate it. I drew a ‘Sacred Fool’ oracle card as I was finishing the book. At first, I was a bit resistant to that card. After considering it more and reading the description in the accompanying guide book, I loved it! It was about having high hopes and expecting great things regardless of what anyone else might say to discourage us or in spite of the odds.

So, I’m doing a little experiment. I’m willing to be a Sacred Fool and Dance with Delight! It’s been freeing, fulfilling, and fabulous! I invite you to join me.

You’re invited to join me! The book is about a magical morning ritual I’ve been doing that has been enriching, enlivening, and enlightening, as in lighting me up from the inside out.

You can order the book from me or from amazon.

I also share a free video preview about the basic steps from the book and other sweet specials in emails. You can sign up at

I recently enjoyed dancing in the rain while watching the ripples in the tiny zen pond we made. I love watching the ripple effects. If you appreciate my poem and presence and know anyone else that you think might as well, please feel free to share this post so it can have ripple effects. Thank You!

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