I hope you are aware and able to appreciate your magnificence. Whatever you are feeling as you read this, you are worthy of love and joy and beauty and blessings. If you don’t have a mother to remind you for whatever reason, I’m glad to be the messenger. I hadn’t planned to be, yet I trust that the words that flowed forth to greet you as I sat down to write are meant to be.
Last year, my cousin sent me a beautiful card she made and decorated that said, “Strong as a Mother.” We both lost our moms shortly after becoming moms ourselves. I know the Mother’s Day holiday can bring up a rollercoaster of emotions for various reasons. The following painting and its message feel potent for any time when we may be going through stormy weather in our lives or hearts.

I don’t always have a sunny nature. It has taken strength and intention to focus on the love more often. Art and writing usually help. I’ve learned to appreciate the whole process, including the messy layers and phases. That’s something I’m still working on doing off the canvas as well. Here’s a short video glimpse at the beginning layers and how it evolved.
The title of the painting was inspired by the botanical that is bending and the song “Strong Enough to Bend” by Tanya Tucker. Do you know it? I later wrote a poem while sitting with the painting.
The original painting and prints are available now in the shop. If you’d like to explore the depths, wonder, and possibilities of your own creativity through mixed media art, I’d love to have you join me for one of the new creative courses I’m currently hosting. They are self paced and available to start anytime.
May we all be strong enough to bend if necessary, to grow, to love, and to thrive.
Well Wishes,
If you know someone else who may appreciate these messages, please feel free to share the link. You never know what lovely ripple effects it may have. Thank you for passing it on.
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