Serenading the Self
Serenading the Self Embodiment through experimentation and creativity. Remixing the songs and stories that make up the soundtracks of our lives. Exploring layers of love, wonder and presence. Every Soul has a Song! I often greet the blank surface as both a playground and a temple, a place to meet with mystery, explore the wonders and my own wilderness, play with possibility, sing, pray, cry, celebrate and co-create with the life force that flows through all! Suitable for all levels of experience from beginners to more experienced painters who want to loosen up with your creative process. Participants are welcome to watch the video in whatever time works best for you in this self paced offering. You can also download the video to save (so no worries if you aren’t able to fit something in right away). This was originally prepared for the 2022 Loving, Healing, Creating Summit hosted by Creative U. I’m glad to be able to make my session available in this way as well. Let Your Sweet Heart Sing! You can download the material (pdf file) immediately after checkout! I look forward to seeing what you create!
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