Hello Wonderful One! I hope you feel confident, capable, and free to be you in all your wild sacred splendor! As Independence Day approaches in the U.S., I was inspired to share from the Confidence inspiration card and painting it features this month. You can join me for a short 5 minute video story time below.
The Confidence card is from the Heart of Life oracle deck. The original painting featured on the card was created in the Wild Nature online course using acrylic and india inks, posca paint pens and metallic paint markers on a birch wood panel. You’re invited to explore your own wild nature and create a spirit animal painting with me. The course is on sale for 50% off during the month of July (sale ends July 31st, 2021, no coupon code needed).
While cleaning my basement, I’ve been going through piles of paintings. It’s quite an experience to see how much my art has evolved over the past several years. Since I gave up drawing after elementary school and had very little experience with painting in school, I was starting over again at about the 5th grade skill level when I started to play with art supplies again as an adult. It’s pretty amazing to see those brave yet timid creations as I took some baby steps back in to visual art.
I was so convinced that I had no talent for that kind of art that I tried many other ways of being crafty and creative before finding freedom and joy in painting and mixed media. While cleaning, I found drawers of oven baked clay, jewelry tools and supplies, sewing stuff, scrapbooking stamps, and just about anything but a blank canvas! All of those things were forgotten when I finally let myself follow the call of curiosity, color, and flow.

I wonder what Wild Nature and Independence may mean to and for you? It’s something I think about often for myself, my children, and community as we try to thrive in harmony with other people and the environment. I’ve been learning to trust myself more in the process. It seems that courage, confidence and independence are all related to me, especially as I witness my teenage sons finding their ways in the world. Life sure is a wild ride!
I wrote about liberation, freedom, inner dependence, independence, and interdependence in my book, The Girl Who Dances With Delight. To celebrate declaring our own inner dependence, liberation, and love, the new ebook version is available for FREE from July 1st until July 5th. Here’s a clip from the trailer video when the print book was released:
You can see the full trailer video and blessing ceremony at ThriveTrue.com/book. If you’re reading this after July 5th, you can still get a free introductory video and pdf about the basic steps shared in the book from ThriveTrue.com/MagicMail. If you prefer a printed copy instead of the ebook, it is available at various book sellers including Amazon with the Look Inside feature.
Here’s a fun song if you’d like to embody freedom and flexibility through physical movement today. May we dance with a free spirit full of life and love.
Wishing you a deep and divine kind of confidence and self respect.
Love & Well Wishes,
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