Hello Blooming Beautiful Being! I hope you can feel the creative potential within you and enjoy allowing yourself to bloom from the inside out. October may seem to be an odd time to talk about blooms in the northern hemisphere. Yet, I’ve been noticing many lovely late bloomers when I go for walks, and every season has it’s role in the bloom cycle. There are lots of seeds floating through the air around my home this time of year, which reminds me of the creative potential within each of us.
I recently had a wonderful conversation with Larissa Russell for her Creative Soul Healing podcast (episode 101) about creativity, collaboration, communication, and trusting our voices. We also talked about freedom, play, inspiration, emotional awareness, authenticity and overcoming imposter syndrome. I hope it may be encouraging and worthwhile for all who choose to watch or listen.
Sweet synergy seems to be a healthy focus anytime and especially when so many messages may be emphasizing divisive aspects of societies. It has been a pleasure and a blessing to be working with a bouquet of beautiful artists from all over the world for the new book, Born to Bloom Bright. The book is currently available for pre-order from my site. It will be available with a free shipping option from Amazon as soon as it has been published.

There will be a free Full Bloom Party and Storytime (with a reading of the book) to celebrate the publication very soon. You can receive the podcast freebies and an email invitation with a link for the Bloom Book Party (once the date and time are decided on). There will also be a recording for anyone who can’t make the event. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to bring this to fruition and gladly share the abundance and variety with all who wish to enjoy it.
If you’d like to join me for the Art as an Altar online course (mentioned in the podcast), it is self paced and available to start anytime! I’m so glad that participants are enjoying it. Here’s what one sweet soul had to say: “I purchased the course, Art as an Altar, and would now like to repeat it because I enjoyed it so much! Many thanks and blessings.” ~ Madeleine

You can learn more about the Year of Color offering (also mentioned in the podcast) and sign-up to receive the next free preview week from ThriveTrue.com/yearofcolor.
You can learn more about Larissa and see all of the show notes for this episode number 101 of the Creative Soul Healing podcast at https://www.creativeu.ca/creative-soul-healing-podcast.
May each day bring us nourishment, refreshment, and rejuvenation. May the communities around us be supportive and enriching. May we trust our own value, wisdom, and wonder. May we embody the ability to tend, nurture, and fully appreciate the natural beauty within and around us.
With Love & Well Wishes,
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