What a treat to be able to chat with Kate Shepherd, host of the Creative Genius podcast! You can find all of her other episodes and subscribe on her site.
You can access the free book previews and other presents mentioned at the end of the episode here. You’ll immediately get a welcome email with everything. Enjoy!
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the podcast yet, you can do so below. It was a serendipitous connection that led Kate and I to have this conversation. I hope it will warm your heart and bring a smile to your soul as it has mine.
This podcast is addressing such an important topic to me because I lost touch with the creative genius and went through a period of thinking I was not one of those people who had any creative talent. Thankfully, I now know that creativity is not reserved for a few. It is part of being human. Yes, we are all creative beings!
I love how Kate describes the purpose of the podcast: “The Creative Genius Podcast is 100% devoted to the emergence of creativity in YOU. It is a love letter to everyone who has ever wished they could be more creative but believed they couldn’t. Because that wish, is creativity itself asking to be set free.”
The “Rhythm” card we drew was from my Soul Songs inspiration card deck. It is a nice reminder to me that even rests are part of creativity! It makes me think of band class way back when and the teacher talking about the importance of the rests within the music. Making time to wonder and witness is part of the creative process. A healthy rhythm includes both output and input, like breathing.
You can receive a $5 coupon for card decks along with the previews and gifts for email subscribers.
You can visit Kate and see the rest of the show notes for Episode 10 from the Creative Genius site. You can also find Kate on instagram or facebook.
You can learn more about the Born to Bloom Bright book and contributing artists here.
If you’ve had a listen to the podcast and would like to share what YOUR billboard would say, I’d love to hear in the comments below or an email reply.

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