Communion & Creativity

The word/idea “communion” keeps coming up for me recently. I think that is a big part of why/how/where I create from… a root. Though I didn’t necessarily realize it or intend it years ago, I can see that is a common theme/thread running through both my art and photography since being little. It’s a way to explore both my inner and outer worlds and also to feel connected with life and all its many aspects and mysteries… whether communing with the natural world or other cultures or my own scattered thoughts! I think it is also a way for me to feel and express reverence for life.

I was just working on a painting last night inspired by a Hawaiian idea about ha, the breath of life, that flows through all and sharing that with one another in greeting… I think that is a thread, the breath, the life force, that keeps me wondering and weaving and connecting through painting and mixed-media art. 

The text in the painting reads: HĀ Breath – May the sacred within us feel the life of all creation flowing through us with reverence. There is also some other text peeking through a bit, like a whisper, from the article that inspired this. 🙂 [The original is available for purchase here.]

Memories kept me company while I was painting the one above from a trip to Hawaii with my family when I was in high school and I thought of my dear angel momma’s sweet smile, zest and respect for life, and her deep love.

I love learning about other cultures and traditions and find that incorporating aspects into both my life and art feel like a way of honoring and experiencing communion. This recent painting, “Spirit Dance,” was inspired by Japanese traditions and the crane as a symbol of happiness and luck. It reminds me of the 3 years when I took Shorin-Ryu karate, which originated from Okinawa, and the bowing tradition. I’m very grateful to have had that experience and small exposure to another way of life. In this way, I’m able to combine my own experience with the inspiration from an article in National Geographic magazine about the crane and Japanese culture.

Spirit Dance

The text in the painting reads: Spirit Dance. In a splendid bow to natures other ever present mysteries of grace. Each bird has its own rhythm. Happiness and Luck. [The original is available for purchase here.]

It baffles me a bit that we can feel so alone and separate in such a vast world filled with variety and abundance. Yet, I imagine we all have times that we feel that way. I’m grateful for internet that makes information and communication across space and boundaries so much more available than ever before. Still, I realize we can also feel information/inspiration overload sometimes and need to unplug! The creative process helps me to explore the information and inspiration in a safe and healthy way. It also helps me to both explore and express my own emotions, experiences, hopes, wondering and celebrations.

Weaving With Sunshine

The text in this one reads: Weaves abundance rooted in soft strength. [The original is available for purchase here.]

Weave is not the word I chose for this year, yet it seems to be a word for my life… maybe for you, too, in some way? It has come up in many forms over the years for me… from learning about the ‘tapestry’ and web of life as a child to learning to crochet with my mom and Grammie to sewing quilts for my boys with my mom just before she died to the thread ‘painting’ I learned a few years ago to the spider webs I am so drawn to around our home (preferable outdoors). I notice the shimmering threads often all around me. Creating this fun mixed-media painting made me smile as I added little symbolic touches, prayers and blessings and let it be a bit less detailed and more raw than some.

I’ve been recording the process through several recent paintings (including the ones above and the “Flowering Weaver” in earlier post) to share in an online course retreat offering. I tend to offer what I myself need at the time since I don’t know what anyone else actually needs. I recently read the idea that by healing ourselves, we heal the world. I’m not sure if it works that way, yet it seems worth giving it a chance! I used to turn to various substances and habits to numb my sensitive self when the world or my own emotions were too much to bear. Thankfully, I’ve found that the creative process and mixed-media art and journaling can be a much healthier alternative… a way to address life instead of avoiding it. Of course, you don’t need me to start creating and exploring! I simply hope that by sharing both the art and the creative process with others, that we may be companions for a portion of our journeys… connecting, encouraging and inspiring one another. I suppose it is another form of sharing the breath of life, the ha.

I have a lot of videos to edit to make this all ready to share in a respectable way (meaning make the most of participant’s time by editing to provide clear information, inspiration, and techniques in the shortest amount of time). I’d love to know if this is something that interests you! Please share in the comments if you are interested and if you have any questions, requests, or suggestions that you’d like me to include/address. I’ll do a give-away when it is finally ready and anyone that comments here with input will have a chance to win free access. You can also sign-up for early bird announcements & sweet specials to receive more information when available.

Thank you for communing with me in this way by visiting the blog and spending a bit of time here. May we thrive in harmony. ♡

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